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Shitty Show

When a group of friends go out to drink alcoholic beverages, usually on a college campus, (i.e. Drexel University) and the evening is remembered through alcohol intake, hook-ups, and social highlights at breakfast/lunch the next morning, you have most likely been a Shitty Show. It can also be presented at one word: ShittyShow, to describe your state during the partying hours. To have the term apply to your particular behavior however you must: Have been loud, obnoxious and otherwise intolerably drunk, Have hooked up with numerous people or one random party-goer repeatedly throughout the night, At some point been running from any two points of interest for no apparent reason, and finally Have a completely spotted memory of the prior events. If that is you, you qualify as a ShittyShow. Congratulations.

"Oh my god Ali, You were such a Shitty Show last night..."
"This weekend we are going to be such a ShittyShow!!"

by BL4L January 14, 2007

6๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

no show socks

Socks worn by insecure comformists who claim they are "more comfortable," but what's more comfortable about ferocious blades of grass scratching your fully-exposed ankles?

When the schools have Physical Education, look around. See no show socks in their wild habitat.

by Jinx (Name already used) May 25, 2011

8๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

the daily show

A show that used to be great. Jon Stewart was always funny, and it had Stephen Colbert as a field reporter. Then, Colbert left and The Daily Show got way too serious. Instead of clever written jokes, Stewart resorted to saying Bush is stupid a million different ways. The show is occasionally funny, just not as good as it used to be. Also, there are people who watch this to get their real news. If you watch it as a comedy program, that's fine(even though it isn't as funny anymore.) If you watch this show to get your news and opinions on things, you should be shot.

The Daily Show used to be great but now it is just average. The Colbert Report is much funnier, watch that.

by stevedawg13 August 5, 2006

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show band

A marching band who does not compete due to lack of skill and instead makes up for it in rapid, confusing body spasms across the field during half time.

Friend-"Dude, sick marching band!"
You- "Sadly you are wrong, we are just a show band."

by B McD July 6, 2017

4๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

shit show

The state or condition of a bathroom after being occupied by a post-operative feline, specifically after a perineal urethrostomy, for greater than or equal to 12 consecutive hours unattended.

When I came home from work, the bathroom was a shit show. I'm glad Snowball was in there all day and not on my bed.

by Gratefully Childless in VA November 30, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

show choir

singers and dancers that perform in random places, such as Branson, Missouri, and West Virginia. These show choir members are often called Show Queers because of the flamboyently bright, sequency costumes.

The SHOW CHOIR danced on stage.

by Thurmmm June 8, 2004

26๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž

toe show

A display of camel toe which results from wearing skimpy swimwear (bikinis, g-strings, etc.)

Zach and I decided to check out this beach in Belize, where some fine young babes treated us to an awesome toe show.

by whimzzical July 18, 2008

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