Source Code

Tucan Sam

The act of eating out a girl from behind while simultaneously tickling her asshole with your nose.

"dude last night when i was eating out christelle from behind, she was digging the tucan sam i was giving her"

by The Proper Tucan Sam December 23, 2008

68πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Sickly Sam

Classic version of Strong Sad. Looks like a Strong Sad skeleton wearing a potato sack for clothing.

Sickly Sam:Can I have some soup.
Homestar:Sorry,Sickly Sam.I'd wish you'd just leave us alone.

by Homestar fan June 27, 2003

16πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Uncle Sam

*A legendary figurehead of the United States. Although mythical, he is reported to have been a real person. Uncle Sam is basically a tall man with white hair (with a white goatee), dressed in the Red, White & Blue, with the Stars & Stripes as a huge hat. Uncle Sam, along with this description, is commonly portrayed as this old-looking, but tough-as-nails, figurehead pointing at you, the viewer of the poster, and below it he's saying "I Want You".
Uncle Sam basically represents the US Government, although he greatly represents the US Military.

*Sam Fisher's alias in a mission during Splinter Cell : Pandora Tomorrow.

*An appropriate name for anyone in the military named Sam. This name may not be appropriate for females named Sam though.

Libby-Lib : "*puts on Stars & Stripes hat and then points* I want you so I can screw your children over by sending them to ficticious wars!"
Me : "....not funny."

Me : "puts on Stars & Stripes hat and then points" I want you. ^.^
Hottie : "*has a confused look*"

by Dave June 29, 2004

382πŸ‘ 125πŸ‘Ž

sam totman

Sam Totman is Herman Li's partner in crime in the band Dragonforce. He is just as fast as Herman, and he wrotes most DF songs and lyrics. He plays a black Jackson RR3 through a TC electronics G major Rack unit, and a Laney amp.

Most People love Herman, but Sam is cooler, and would be a cooler guy to get drunk with.

Sam Totman.

by Shreddy McShred aka Kyle July 21, 2006

86πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Sam The Whale

A whale that migrated from Dubai to Los angels. And is known for being a fat whale with microscopic genitals. Sam The Whale could travel long distance to visit his family, But would rather travel with his friends. Sam The Whale is known for his unique sounds that intrigued females. Sam The Whale has many siblings, but his most favorite is Alex.

Sam The Whale’s unique sound is similar to a seal.

by Alex is awesome March 20, 2019

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

the Sam Elliot

one partner hot karls the other, then dips the first three fingers of each hand in the poo. The dirty fingered partner then wipes the fingers, starting directly under the nose, out and down, at a 45 degree angle from the nostril, stopping at the bottom lip,to create a poo mustache. volia, the sam elliot.

it was incredible, i had this freaky ho, lauren, and she was cool with the hot karl, but, surprise surprise she got the sam elliot. I loved, she...not so much.

by 5th squad January 16, 2008

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Sam Brownback

A homoerotic act between two men where one man places his own fecal matter in his mouth and inserts the fecal matter into his partners anus using his tounge.

That Sam Brownback video made Two Girls and a Cup look like Saturday Morning Cartoons.

by Billy the Retard February 12, 2015

14πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž