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Doctor feel Good

A doctor who has smooth hands

Doctor feel good touched my anus and it feeelllt soooooo goooood

by Dr feelgood June 15, 2013

butt time doctor

The doctor that performs colonoscopies, and any other thing dealing with the pooping area.

Man i just turned 40. Time to get a colonoscopy. I’ve got to go see the butt time doctor.

by Jmaktheknife July 14, 2022

Doctor flake

Someome who has 8 years experience in flaking

Jacob knight is the perfect example of a Doctor flake

by Seadevil god August 6, 2018

Alleyway Doctor

An Alleyway doctor is a doctor that gives slightly questionable advice and is overall an unreliable figure.

They are typically embedded in British culture and associated with drug dealers.

"Dude you went to an alleyway doctor, no sane Doctor prescribes psilocybin mushrooms for insomnia."

by Han from myspace February 16, 2023

Doctor Scientist

1. The stereotype of a scientific professional who knows everything that falls under the blanket term of “science” because they're a scientist

2. A psudo-science marketeer who uses their academically unrecognised or unrelated expertise to generate support for their conspiracy theory and/or snake oil.

How will we ever figure out this chemistry based logic puzzle in the allotted time?!
Look, here comes doctor Scientist, his quantum physics degree can help us!

Did you know that all genetically modified food has DNA in it? I've studied it's effects in my homeopathy lab, and it literally changes your DNA when you eat it! It's a form of population control!

by Maxwell Zephyr June 9, 2020


Slang term for a mechanic.

Charles had to take his dodge to the auto-doctor at least 3 times a year to get the transmission fixed until he finally bought a Toyota.

by I702Maverick93 March 29, 2016

Fade Doctor

A shady barber who lacks proficiency with scissors but can give you a killer fade. Consumes a lot of stimulants to enhance their performance.

I was looking a little raggedy the other day. I have a job interview coming up, I should probably go to the fade doctor.

by HAUSHAUSHAUS October 21, 2021