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Worm burner

Often used in golf but may be used when a male mammal or animal accidentally slides there testicles and or shaft on an object resulting in a red burning feeling.

Elephants get the worst worm burners!

by Barneyblue December 5, 2020

Big Worm

Character from the 1995 film "Friday." Big Worm had a perm and drove around the neighborhood.

Oh no, here comes Big Worm!

by justanotherguyonthenet November 19, 2023

worm strangler

When you're strangle the shit out of your meat.

Dude i just gave my dick the worm strangler last night

by yurter May 13, 2021

worm wiggler

1. A sexually inexperienced girl who nevertheless enjoys overly-fondling the penis, particularly a flaccid (and thus non-threatening) one.

2. Any woman or girl who truly enjoys handling the male member.

Can be disparaging, or not.

"Shit man, I've known Brunhilde was nothing but a worm wiggler since that sock hop back in '58."

"Julie's a cute little worm wiggler, isn't she?"

by madlane September 9, 2016

Space worm

When a guy sticks his dick in one’s asshole and later goes pee and shit comes out of his dick .

I fucked Tracey’s ass last night and got a huge ass space worm !

by Hotaudiecakes August 18, 2018

lost her worm

Doing the nasty
Fucking like animals
Getting down and dirty

Omfg!! Francesca lost her worm tonight!!

by Deedz March 26, 2016

douche worm

A douche who is also a bookworm, fairly self-explainitory

God Lauren is such a douche worm.

by Jonathan T Rogers March 6, 2008