A British person who has been stabbed to death on the street after the local gang stole their belongings.
They turned Timmy into a British Pincushion after he wore his Rolex out last night.
A term used for a person who is sexy and british.
You are a yummy british.
British thugs are commonly found in north Western Europe and love tea, crumpets, and broken disgusting teeth. One example of this is Hudson William dire Whoretown, who perfectly is described by this description.
There’s to many British thugs in this area!
British thugs are commonly found in north Western Europe and love tea, crumpets, and broken disgusting teeth. One example of this is Hudson William dire Whortan, who perfectly is described by this description.
There’s to many British thugs in this area!
"Slang for British anal lube. References the tap water quality in London, often compared in color to peanut butter due to the high amounts of excrement in its contents."
I would use you like some British butter boy.
A good looking british man with Blonde hair and a casual sense of fashion. The term can also be known as HBBB, all females love him, but he can only take 1 at a time, because women take too much fucking energy.
"Did you see that Hot Blonde British Boy? He's got weird fashion ngl."
Benjamin: bloody hell why you drinking so much tea?
Alan: I’m afraid I have British Fever