a term that a femboy or someone who thinks their funny whilst crying over the facts they’re bitchless spending their nights in their parents basement.
Nerdy ass kid: “don't bully me I'll cum”
Everyone else: “shut your bitch ass up nigga you dad left you” etc.
Being an abusive boyfriend or girlfriend to your significant other. Especially if your name is either David or Jørdan
“David was really-bully.”
“How so?”
On the 4th April we all bully Irvine to commemorate how fat she really is.
Joel: yo Kayle did u know its National bully Irvine day! Kayle: no i didnt!
A person of non intelligence who calls people things such as "stupid","ugly",and will say things like "I hate you" as if anyone cares
Generic school bully "I hate you Sarah !"
Sarah:you think I give a * BLEEP* CENSORSHIP
October 12th is the European “bully the guy who dosent shower day” (that greasy haired poor guy who dosent shower and probably has the same glasses he had in p5) on October 12th you must bully “the guy who dosent shower” or you face capital punishment (death).
Bully the guy who dosent shower day means you must bully him example would be (hey “guy that dosent shower” look a truck *pushes guy who dosent shower into truck*
someone who is toxic as hell -- while remaining convinced that they are a really good person.
It's a form of cognitive dissonance. "I'm so Zen, i couldn't possibly be mean!"
Ah yeah, Elaine's a total Zen Bully. She treats people like shit all day but thinks she's mother theresa.
bullying someone by not responding to their hilarious audio messages
ghost bullying is something normally done by pryce allen