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Camp Snoopin

The Fine Art of looking through recently vacated camp sites near Tillamook, Oregon (specifically on a Sunday Evening), looking for left behind (or unwanted) "treasures".

"You wouldn't believe the bitchin' screwdrivers I've found while Camp Snoopin"

by ClownOil December 9, 2021

alex camp

you have back pain, and you can’t walk right

i’m so alex camp right now, after the roller coaster.

by johnsssevehshshshs October 4, 2020

camp spawn

to stay in one place in the house at a party, and only talk to people who come to your area.

:derived from games like Counter Strike, in which it is used to define the act of staying near the area in which you spawned at the beginning of the round.

"Have you moved from this spot all night?"

"Nah man."

"Well don't fucking camp spawn, lets go outside or something."

by StealsyourstereO November 12, 2006

Deer camp

Is when you go hunting and you don't you just drink beer

It's the second week of deer camp and all the guys are here we never go out we just play cards and never shoot snow deer the only time we leave the camp is when we go for beer

by Jeanniegirl January 31, 2022

camp saginaw

camp saginaw is the happiest place on earth. game day to color war we all love everyday. no gossip, no drama, the only sadness is when we leave our summer home. girls and boys make friendships for life. families have been coming for years and there are more generations to come. i can’t wait to go back #waiting10for2 #campsaginaw


by campsaginawlover September 15, 2019

camp sock

using a sock to wipe your ass when nothing else is available

whew!, thank god i was wearing shoes instead of sandals today!, this camp sock will do just fine.

by andy fike December 1, 2009

Giovanni Camp

Da secound biggest burd

Pro frank restaurant in eater


You pee with the bathroom door open,
You’re a Giovanni Camp

by Roman Polanski G January 19, 2023