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clam cammo

A malodorous product utilized by females to mask the scent of a Lake Erie dock that is emanating from their nether region.

Most products that attempt to “cure” this situation merely “mask” the situation by introducing essences of Cedar, Roses, Jasmine or sandalwood. Most commonly introduced to young, unsuspecting females in the form of “Toilet water.”

Clam Cammo,” surpasses all in providing a burning sensation to the eyes, nasal and oral cavities of anyone within a 200’ perimeter

Old women are cool. I love their wisdom and tales of life, I just can't stand the smell of their "Clam Cammo!"

by Sammy in CMH July 22, 2006

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[Clam Burger]

another comin word for clam burger is a PUSSY

My clam burger is hungry for your cock

by LOVELADY February 6, 2009

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mud clam

A female's butthole.

She was on the rag and wouldn't give me her love hole, so I had turn her around and shove it in her mud clam.

by mroffensive February 15, 2008

6👍 4👎

sketchy clam

The lesser-known cousin of the awkward turtle. Used when a situation is sketchy. The motion is two closed fists, joined at the wrist, making a clapping motion.

The Maharishi University of Management attracts large numbers of hippies, but still exhibits strong class division. *sketchy clam*

by Mary Wollstonecraft June 11, 2008

5👍 3👎

clam down

when a girl jumps into a body of water and accidentally gets smashed by a rock in her 'parts' leaving her unable to swim to shore


by itsmaribitch January 20, 2009

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clam mashing

Two girls rubbing their clams together

Sara and Nastassja love clam mashing with eachother.

by Mallory January 6, 2004

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Clam Bake

A setting or event where the number of woman is overly concentrated resulting in general catty or bitchy behavior. The exact opposite of a Sausage Festival.

They need to hire some dudes on the sales team; it's a clam bake over there with all that gossiping.

by fair_claire April 27, 2010

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