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my dads condom broke

This is the reason why I exist

Some time years ago.....

Dad: let's have sex
Mom: okeee
Dad: condom broke
Me years later: why did my dads condom broke?

by BabbleBoy February 4, 2023

RU Hungry Fat Condom

The Fat Condom: When a homeless person in New Brunswick, NJ asks you for money and you tell them you'll buy them food. You buy a famous Fat Sandwich of your choice and slowly insert your dick in it. Then, you wrap a condom around the penetrated sandwich. You go to the homeless person and feed them the sandwich while it is still on your dick. Mmm tasty.

1) I do my best to take care of the local homeless, whenever a homeless person asks for money, I give them a big and tasty RU Hungry Fat Condom. mmmmm.

by masterdddd September 12, 2017

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Create your own condom

A little machine, like the Badge it machine, where you can make your own condoms. Add flavours and colours. Comes with enough latex for 12 condoms.

I used my create your own condom kit last night.

by iThink January 28, 2008

12๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Trojan's Fire and Ice Condoms

(trodส’ษ™n|s fajษ™r รฆnd ajs kษ‘ndษ™mz )- n.

1. A product of the Trojan company. It is a condom created from a partnership between Church & Dwight Company, Incorporated and Sanofi S.A.to combine two of their greatest assets together, the Trojan Condom, and the IcyHot cream and patch, to, apperantly, relieve erectile pains while engaging in sexual intercourse. It has been so successful, it recieved the coveted two and a half stars on Amazon, and a host of bloggers who, between bragging about their sexual prowess, gave it such glowing reviews as "traumatising", "horrifying", "like lubing your dick with IcyHot" (not a completely inaccurate discription), "nightmarish", etc.

2. Buffoon, a Cretin, one who is considered to be unusally dull, lacking in brillance or intellect.

(etmy. 1. From the individual componets 2. Translated literally from the Irish 'Go mbeire an diabhal leis thรบ', proverbially meaning one who does stupid things repeatedly)

1. Oh God, my dick, it feels like...oh God, please stop the pain...I shall take a vow of chasity after this... God I shall never buy Trojan's Fire and Ice Condoms again!

2. He is such a Trojan's Fire and Ice Condom

by Tom O' Bedlam September 24, 2011

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Wanking Into Condoms AKA wic

Wanking into condoms cause your a sick cunt

when you cbf cleaning up you wank into a condom, Wanking Into Condoms AKA wic

by GET-OFF-OF-ME April 27, 2011

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swollen nip, condom rip

the rhyme that my retarded friend hern and me made up as young-lings. we then thought it was so clever that our parents needed to hear. then we "preformed" our phrase and were lectured for 2.5 hours.

"swollen nip, condom rip"
-6.5 year old me and hern

by The Man Wilhelm All Sacks. December 6, 2019

Ceiling Fan Condom Roulette

If you like safe sex but pine for a bit of risk then ceiling fan condom roulette (CFCR) is the post coitus game for you. Jizz like you normally do but instead of flushing your little swimmers down the never cleaned toilet, throw with all your might, the jizz packed condom at the moving ceiling fan above your (and your partners) head. It's going to land somewhere - your face, the closet door or it could just stick to one of the fan blades (rarely happens). Safe sex with a dash of gambling, that's CFCR in a nutshell. Godspeed little minnow.

Ceiling fan condom roulette is defined by throwing a cum filled condom at a ceiling fan after sex.

For example.

After I came, I pulled off the jizz filled rubber and threw it at the ceiling fan. Essentially, Amy and I were playing ceiling fan condom roulette. It stuck to the side of my shitty Wal-Mart bookcase. We safely made it through another round of ceiling fan condom roulette.

For you CFCR newbs, the very definition of risk is playing ceiling fan condom roulette multiple times a night. See how far you can go without someone getting cum in the face (or worse).

by Chris Blackwell the Beast December 27, 2019