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Hitlering the situation

When someone tries to say something to make the situation better, but ultimately fucks things up even worse.

Apparently my friend over here didn't get the hint that he was Hitlering the situation until after the bitch maced him.

by Team Asunder February 3, 2011

6πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Chocolate Hitler

A chocolate Hitler, or Chitler is:

a. A chocolate in the shape of Hitler. like a chocolate bunny, only it looks like Hitler.

b. When you get a little chocolate on your upper lip after eating a chocolate bar and it looks like Hitler's mustache

Man you got a chocolate Hitler from eating that Chocolate Hitler.

by the real chocolate hitler October 19, 2008

6πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Adolf Hitler

A smart and great political leader.
His extremist views rallied many Germans behind his cause.
He brought Germany out of poverty but started the 2nd world war.

Adolf Hitler was the leader of the NASDAP

by KrimmZinn May 29, 2019

14πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

Bloody Hitler

A bloody hitler is when a female KNEEL over a mans head and drips menstrual blood while he lays down.


Ralphs getting a Bloody Hitler!


Wait, no its a naughty chaplin :(

by Morkensid January 22, 2010

4πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Hitler feces

The dried up poo of great german man-god Adolf Hitler, also a flavor of slush puppie

Omfg! Is that some Hitler Feces?!

by A-Spot January 26, 2006

13πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

adolf hitler

A jewhating guy that tried to take over that round thing. The guy made some kind of sign and the people he was talking to would be standing there with one arm above their hand in front of them. The sign is still used and the nazi's are replaced by neonazi's who mostly hate negro's, middle eastern people etc while Hitler only hated jews and if you look at IsraΓ«l he would probably like and help moslims.

It's said he's partly jew and some people even say he's 1/2 jew but he isn't more than 1/8 jew and that isn't even proven.

I think even if you agree with him you should admit it's a pretty weird guy cause he was looking for the people he isn't anything like and others he wanted to kill. By the way he was first painting so he had it going on if you see what he achieved if he used it for right goals he would probably be the biggest hero of germany and that people in japan wouldn't die on cancer caused by the weapons of mass destruction america used on them.

Adolf Hitler was not a nice guy and now is used to disrespect people like George W. Bush(Jr) or in The Netherlands: Rita Verdonk and Pim Fortuyn

by 187Crip July 17, 2006

39πŸ‘ 148πŸ‘Ž

hitler sketch

a questionable situation that is way more sketch than normal sketch. like obtaining brusies dry humping. or drinking in the shower on a monday night.

wow. you are fucking hitler(sketch) right now

by sketchwall October 10, 2003

5πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž