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in another life

In another life is a well known BokuAka fanfic created by LittleLuxray on the Ao3 website. it is said to tear your heart apart and will emotionally damage you to the point where you feel nothing anymore.

not gonna lie it was pretty sad:(

“Have you read the BokuAka fanfic called In Another life?”
“Well, not yet. But i will tomorrow; Can’t wait to be emotionally scarred!”

by raynotfound November 5, 2020

96👍 6👎

life subtractor

The name of a venomous snake scientists had in mind before they finally settled on Death Adder.

Scientist #1: Call be stupid, but Life Subtractor just seems too obvious a name for a venomous snake.
Scientist #2: How about… Death Adder?
Scientist #1: Brilliant!

by eastcoastninja May 3, 2016

Head for life

It is when you get head (blow jobs), for the rest of your life from someone. It usually comes up from a crazy bet to win a football game or something else stupid.

Bristol: we are going to lose
Pat: no we're gonna win.
Bristol: ...we re gonna lose
Pat: okay well if we win then you owe me head for life, and if we lose then ill buy 50 cheeseburgers from McDonalds.
Bristol: okay fine
20 min later and after the team wins
Bristol: fuck
Pat: haha hell yeah

by bjbob567 December 13, 2009

74👍 3👎

DTB for life

Don't Trust Bitches for life

DTB for life - Basically don't trust any girls, just chase bags and focus on your dreams and goals.

by D30L February 21, 2021

163👍 9👎

Jet Life

To be happy, to be positive, to see all good and be of good spirit, to have fun and enjoy life. Being a super great friend and family, a JET LIFE

Jet as we call my cousin was all this, she turn everthing into positive and fun, we are staring a wave of her spirit and we call it JET LIFE. Being positive all the way, a way of life of positive.

My car broke down on the side of the road, But my and my friends are having a JET LIFE moment. (We are together having fun, and making the best of time even now)

by sirfirewolf August 14, 2012

1438👍 119👎

Not about that life

If someone says they're 'not about that life' it means that they don't or won't do something relating to that subject. It can be used in a variety of contexts and can be about a lot of things but it mostly used to reject someone inviting you to do something because you don't agree with it/don't like what they're doing/just don't want to.

It can also be edited to fit the purpose more by adding in a word before the word life to describe what kind of life said person is not about.

Example 1-
Person 1: Hey, I'm having a Sexy Party this weekend, wanna come?
Person 2: Nah, I'm not about that life. I'm sure you'll be coming enough for the both of us.

Example 2-
Person: Want to take a picture with me?
Person 2: Nope, I'm not about that selfie life.

by notaboutthatlife December 28, 2013

128👍 7👎

Relay for Life

Relay for Life is a signature event of American Cancer Society. The RFL is made up of staff partner and volunteers, it is very important to remember that there is only one staff partner for 250 volunteers, therefore ACS empowers its volunteers and values time, talent and treasure they have been putting to this event year after year. To make the long story short, ACS is doing great job to support to research, education, advocacy and patient services, because of this signature event also there is a hot line of ACS, and everybody gets help when they are caught by this terrible disease. CANCER, does not make any discrimination.

Me-ACS is fighting to eliminate cancer, through fundraising Relay for Life event and supporting its researches, advocacy, education and patient services, why don't we help?

You- Cancer does not make any discrimination! yeah we should help.
Me-ok I am chairing the event for two years then.
You- I will develop teams to fund raise. We can exchange the roles in two years!!
Me-Great, let's start working, to eliminate this disease from our world!
You- Let's go!

by Iamchairingtheevent January 13, 2013

39👍 1👎