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shoe gang

Shoe gang is when a group of good friends have matching shoes. Most of the time the shoes in the shoe gang are adidas all stars.

Waddup shoe gang

by Afriendofajanobo December 28, 2018

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walmart shoes

A pair of cheap shoes bought from Walmart for around $10-$20. These shoes usually don't last too long and start to ware out.

Person 1: Hey Cody, check out my new shoes! Aren't they cool?
Person 2: Hah! Nice Walmart shoes, Trevor!

by xHusk March 22, 2016

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kyles shoes

A pair of girls shoes worn by a guy

They guy has "kyles shoes"

by Kyles shoes February 24, 2016

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Orthopedic Shoes

A term for people who have unexciting personalities and clothes.

Hey Kelly, look at the orthopedic shoes over there!

I almost didn't see him because he was so boring!

by VictorGreene September 16, 2018

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spiked shoes

women's fashionable footwear characterized by a a tall narrow heel

After too many cocktails, she balanced precariously in her spiked shoes, hoping she wouldn't she wouldn't embarrass herself by falling face first in front of everyone.

by bemewsed March 22, 2015

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wang shoes

A condom.

Dude, I need a shoe for my wang before I can hit that.

by dinomite October 30, 2003

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Shoe Penis


Do you like green eggs and ham?
Shoe Penis.

by EvilPeachofdoom(on aim)/Thekingofmean October 23, 2003

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