Nate is the type of dude who always tries to go for your mom as a joke but actually has a crush on her. He will deny his feelings but he’s always into moms especially soccer moms. He’s the funniest person you will meet only because you think he’s joking most of the time but he’s not. He always uses sarcasm.
Rylee: Kendall, is that Nate over there hitting on your mom??
Kendall: Yeah, he’s just a nate.
Just a all around faggot that try’s to act cool around his friends and he’s a good friend but he can be a dip shit from time to time and he is the youngest of the group and is the second best
The smelliest kid in the world. Like go take a fucking shower I can smell you through the monitor. Nate is the only exception for @all. The one we hate, but the one we all appreciate.
Go take a shower Nate.
Someone who is awesome but teases ur friends and makes them cry.
dkjfldkfn nate
To describe an opposing claim. Another form of the word “No”.
Christian : “Yo Andru, you think I could whoop you?”
Andru : “Nate”
Sick cunt ngl, he has a huge dick and gets all the women. One look and you'll think "holy fucking shit I have lost"
WOMAN: *Dies of orgasm*
Nate: Not again