Nothing is a word that he or she says in a conversation to express how lazy he or she
Even though he or she is actually just sitting on the couch watching tv
Guy 1: Hey bro whatcha doing?
Guy2: Nothing WBU?
Guy 1: are u sitting on the couch?
Guy 2: Yeah? So?
Guy:1 Then ur doing something😂
1- Collateral relative's spouse's ascendant
2- Collateral relative's spouse's collateral relative
3- Descendant-in-law's ascendant (except: child-in-law's parent = co-parent-in-law)
4- Descendant-in-law's collateral relative
5- Collateral relative's spouse's stepascendant
6- Collateral relative's spouse's collateral relative's spouse
7- Descendant-in-law's stepascendant (except: child-in-law's stepparent = step-co-parent-in-law)
8- Descendant-in-law's collateral relative's spouse
9- Spouse's collateral relative's spouse's ascendant
10- Spouse's collateral relative's spouse's collateral relative
11- Stepdescendant-in-law's ascendant (except: stepchild-in-law's parent = step-co-parent-in-law)
12- Stepdescendant-in-law's collateral relative
13- Spouse's collateral relative's spouse's stepascendant
14- Spouse's collateral relative's spouse's collateral relative's spouse
15- Stepdescendant-in-law's stepascendant
16- Stepdescendant-in-law's collateral relative's spouse
17- Relative's widowed (not biological)'s new spouse
18- Relative's widowed (not biological)'s new spouse's any relative
19- Relative's widowed (not biological)'s new spouse's any relative's spouse
20- Spouse's relative's widowed (not biological)'s new spouse
21- Spouse's relative's widowed (not biological)'s new spouse's any relative
22- Spouse's relative's widowed (not biological)'s new spouse's any relative's spouse
23- Absence of kinship and absence of social bond
24- Zero, empty, none
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀nothing ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
1- An absence of anything, empty, zero.
2- Without kinship and without social bond at the same time.
Litterly nothing means they didnt say anything or they mean the air
Guy 1: Blah Blah Blah
Guy 2: What?
Guy 1: Nothing
Girl 6: Wow look at this air
Girl 9: Its LITTERLY Nothing!!!!!