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Pretty gay man has very little friends and loves school.

Person:Dam I think I'm gay. Randy:Wanna go out?

by 1345 I'm old January 14, 2020


i dont even know- just writing this cause im simply inlove with a randy. idk how he does it..he makes me so happy, id literally do anything for him, i dont want him to ever leave lol

inlove w a randy asf

by mfyeahyeah January 17, 2021


This is the worst kind of bowel movement. Typically though it will happen when you’ve eaten a Tim Brownie then gotten the munchies and decided to have some Portuguese Meatloaf on a school night. A good Randy has several telling sighs such as, extremely stinky, almost black in color, with some yellowish brown mixed in and somewhat runny. When you have one of these, you know that meatloaf was on point. A Randy can also occur at random. If you ever feel like taking a poop just think of his face, label making/rewinding or flannel shirts with ponytails.Makes sure you have some depends if you feel like a Randy may occur unannounced. It can happen and the last thing you want to do is Randy in your pants.

Jesus Christ! I almost had a Randy in my pants. Guess I shouldn’t of had that extra serving of Portuguese Meatloaf last night. Thank good I wore depends to school today and have a flannel shirt on. Of course now, I can’t stop thinking of Randy’s gay face and I keep on pooping. Fuck. And I have a Math test next period.

by Randyheartsmen August 5, 2020


This is the worst kind of bowel movement. Typically though it will happen when you’ve eaten a Tim Brownie then gotten the munchies and decided to have some Portuguese Meatloaf on a school night. A good Randy has several telling sighs such as, extremely stinky, almost black in color, with some yellowish brown mixed in and somewhat runny. When you have one of these, you know that meatloaf was on point. A Randy can also occur at random. If you ever feel like taking a poop just think of his face, label making/rewinding or flannel shirts with ponytails.Makes sure you have some depends if you feel like a Randy may occur unannounced. It can happen and the last thing you want to do is Randy in your pants.

Jesus Christ! I almost had a Randy in my pants. Guess I shouldn’t of had that extra serving of Portuguese Meatloaf last night. Thank good I wore depends to school today and have a flannel shirt on. Of course now, I can’t stop thinking of Randy’s gay face and I keep on pooping. Fuck. And I have a Math test next period.

by Randyheartsmen August 5, 2020


annoying little boy

that boy is such randy

by 8black 8lives8 matter8 July 21, 2020


randy is a funny person who also has a small dick

and also is a type of person to be friend with a

man named antonio

hey girls randy has a
very small dick

by kingjoeforlife June 1, 2022


A person that will end up being your best friend wether you like it or not Randy is someone you just can't get rid of Randy's are kind hearted and sometimes weirdos but you gotta love em.

Randy your weird 😋

by Lilly Wolf1221 November 6, 2019