Source Code

Speckled Paint Job

Diarrhea that sprays all over the toilet bowl, creating a speckled effect on the white porcelain.

Last night after alcohol and Taco Bell I did a speckled paint job on the toilet, and it burnt my asshole.

by Evan, Eddie, and Kurt October 17, 2006

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Paint the Windows Shut

Paiting the glass and seams of a window in a crack house so that "The neighbors can't look in and the (crack, weed) smoke can't get out."

"I found an old paint can outside."

"Oh, hell yeah!"

"Paint the windows shut. Paint the windows shut."

"Paint the window shut. Paint the window shut."

by Rick-from-chicago January 15, 2007

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paint the treehouse

a blow job; a blow job characterized by the up and down licking motion of the tongue.

Guy 1: "Yo, did you take home that girl that you met at the bar last night?"

Guy 2: "Hell yeah, man!"

Guy 1: "Did you get her to paint the treehouse?"

Guy 2: "Yup, she even put a second coat of paint on later!"

by D-Dubbs September 30, 2007

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paint her face

When a man rubs his penis like a paintbrush all over a girls face until he cums

Rob wants to paint her face tonight

by tholz December 6, 2016

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Paint your ears

When you say something that you know the other person just wants to hear. It may not be the truth but it makes them feel better.

It's kind of sugar-coating your response to the other person or subject.

β€œIf you don't want me to tell you the truth, then I'll just paint your ears.” Or, β€œI don’t care what you say, I think you did a great job.”
paint ears paint your ears ears paint ears paint paint your your ears

by GMoneyGrill June 3, 2016

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purple paint job

Sucking on ones penis to the point of serious purple like bruising on the head of the penis.

some bitch is offering a purple paint job on craigs list.

by shasha34 February 1, 2010

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Fire in the Paint Shed

Stealthy language used to inform your roommate(s) that you'll be engaging in coitus in the house, dorm room, apartment, or shared hotel room. The request to vacate said premises for the entire duration of the shagging is assumed.

1. (Via text)

Friend 1: "hey bro i met this chick at the blackjack table. fire in the paint shed from 7-9 tonight."

Friend 2: "fuck you man, i have dinner with Candi at 8 and i still need to shower so i dont smell like cigarettes and booze."

Friend 1: "candi's a hooker, man. I don't think she cares how you smell. Only that your moneys green."

by pleaseme March 3, 2012

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