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The r-slur : r**tard is used against disabled people and is increasingly hurtful it is mostly used by high school sometimes middle school kids who think it’s funny to use a slur. It originated from the word mental retardation Which was a medical term in 1961 for people with intellectual disabilities, through the years it has become a insult used way to frequently in everyday language. people who use it often have absolutely no regard for the damage their doing

In 2010 Barack Obama signed Rosas law which changed the word mental retardation to intellectual disability

Person : ur such a r**tard
Decent human being : don’t say the r-slur it is hurtful to people with intellectual disabilities


Decent human being: you need to educate urself.

Ps : I know it might be hard to speak up about it I find it hard myself too. That’s why next time I hear someone say it I’m going to build up all my courage and try to educate them!

by Educate urself July 18, 2022

20πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

The R Word

A euphemism for the word retarded or retard coined by SJWs who are sensitive and can't deal with a word

You're a retarded retard oh sorry you're the r word an r worded r word

by Boogereater69 March 21, 2021

72πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž

Vitamin R

A slang term for the stimulant drug methylphenidate (sold as ritalin,concerta,focalin ect).

Vitamin R is derived from amphetamine and is the closet pharmalogical equivalent of cocaine.

It is used as both a study aid and a recreational drug. When used recreationally it is typically snorted, with doses ranging from 20-40mgs, Although it is much more addictive when taken this way.

Bill:hey, You up for tonight?

Bob: fuck yeah! Is mad P gonna let us have some of his vitamin Rs?

Bill: hell yeah. Meet up his place about 8, chill for a while, get drunk. Then at 11 we'll snort 30mgs each and head out.

Bob: I'll bring a spliff for the come-down.

Bill: Cool. Remember, no booze after the vitamin R. Just because you're no longer intoxicated doesn't mean you're no longer drunk.

Bob; Agreed.

by Dr.Feelgood2 July 31, 2009

82πŸ‘ 95πŸ‘Ž


Another word for retartd but a little nicer. It was also created by the makers of South Park.

"Janet didnt we agree you werent going to be an r-tard today"

by thewordguruXD February 20, 2010

17πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

B & R

"Born and Raised"
To be born and raised in a certain place, as opposed to an outsider or new arrival.

"Is he from Jersey City?"
"That boy's a B & R from jump street."

by Tony Wiersielis June 9, 2007

25πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

R. Kelly

Child molestor, who was recently quoted as saying "Osama's the only one who understands how I feel"

by Seenus September 17, 2003

31πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


An outdated medical term that has been used to discriminate against and oppress disabled people. The R-word is firmly recognized as an ableist slur, and it is respectful (and basic human decency) to refrain from using this word as it can really damage those who fall under the spectrum. If you want to scream and cry about how SociEty🀑 is too "soft" nowadays, go ahead. You're simply projecting the fact that you're a complete, ignorant asshole.

Uneducated middle schooler: Bro wtf, society is so fucking soft nowadays!! like I can't even get away with saying the "R-word" anymore!!!
An individual with tons of bitches: Bruh...be fr...

by MomDestroyer2000 August 29, 2022

50πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž