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madam red

A female character from the anime Kuroshitsuji or Black Butler who died.

Madam red: I.. I can't! This child is my...
Grell*stabs Madam Red with death scythe*
Sebastian: wait how'd you make that noise
Ciel: shit?
Sebastian: no
Ciel: well to bad, Shitbastian
Grell: Sebaschan are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? :|

Madam red DIED

by Fandomhive47 March 6, 2017

Girl in Red

1. A popular lesbian Norwegian singer. Her genre is mainly indie pop.
2. A code/reference used by wlw for wlw. It's really popular on the social platform,TikTok but it can appear anywhere.

Friend 1: Girl in Red released a new track! Have you listened to it yet? It's a bop!
Friend 2: I haven't heard it yet, but I’ll definitely check it out!

Friend 1: Look at that cute girl over there! Do you think she listens to Girl in Red?
Friend 2: She has some interesting earrings, so I think yes, but you should ask her!

by WRK420 May 7, 2020

Red beer

noun., A red beer is similar to a michelada (or 'chelada) but not as fancy. Simply mix up one part light lager or IPA to one part V8 vegetable juice (the "Spicy" variety if you're feeling adventurous") and sock it down -- the colder it is, the better it works as a "hair of the dog" hangover remedy.

Jerry: "Fuck, dude, too much rye last night. Build me a red beer, will ya?"

Jake: "Yeah, I hear ya, I'll make two."

by Hellzapoppin' April 29, 2018

Red Kisses

When you kiss 💋 a lady's private areas... and things were a little messier then expected based on the time of the month.

I would love to give you red kisses. Idc about the consequences

by Red kisses 💋 July 7, 2021

Red Stuff

Period juice, Coach Don knows all about it.

Red Stuff! *VOMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

by nardes April 21, 2011


Also known as Reductio ad Stalinum, Reductio ad Marxisum, Reductio ad Chomskynum, Reductio ad Bakunum/Reductio ad Bakuninum, Reductio ad Libertarianum, Reductio ad Leninum, or Red-tag, is a logical fallacy (part of ad hominem) when someone dismiss speaker's argument by accusing them as a leftist

A: You're fascist <=A is deliberately doing reductio ad Hitlerum by accusing B as a fascist
B: STFU you leftist liberal special snowflake <= B is deliberately doing red-bait fallacy by name-calling A as leftist liberal special snowflake

by Sir. B February 16, 2021

Dag and Red

Possibly the best football side in the whole of Europe. Won numerous UEFA Champions League trophies, and consistently come first in the top-tier English Premier League, except in 2007 when Manchester United bought Olympic deep-sea diver Christiano Ronaldo. Dag & Red ahve a rich and significant culture, with people such as the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall having played for and represented the club. Dag and Red kicks your ass.

Guy 1: I support Chelsea!
Guy 2: I support Man U!
Guy 3: I support Arsenal!
Guy 4: I support Liverpool!
Guy 5: You bunch of tossers. Dag and Red are so good that they can juggle a football with their hands. When they chuck a free throw, they get so much leverage that their feet leave the ground. Tossers.

by ronaldo can go dive in a sea August 30, 2009