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voter stupidity

An extremely long urban dictionary definition that no one reads in the end because they do not have time to read bitching at its best. therefore they turn to this definition.

The Voting into office of Scott Brown.

Now that Scott Brown is elected, we can sleep safely knowing that our health care bill and american rights as we know it are vanquished all because of the shift of majority of the house to republican control

Swizzie: I can't get get decent healthcare in Massachusetts

Dozer: well were all screwed because of your damn Voter Stupidity.

by BenDover101 February 5, 2010

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Stupid Big

Adjective |'st(y)oOpid|big|

1) dazed and confused
2) of considerable size, extent, or intensity

an abnormally amount of size or quantity, therefore leaving you with confusion of that size.

My boss has a stupid big ego.

Man, last night I got wasted stupid big.

by huthmullen October 7, 2011

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Stuck on stupid

Someone who is either still infatuated with and/or exploited by a member of the opposite sex with whom they have had a relationship.

Jane cheated on Joe and left him but Joe is stuck on stupid and won't move on.

by If_it_moves August 2, 2019

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going stupid

To hit a point were all worries for what happens next are gone.

Chris is at the bar going stupid.

by Jremy March 12, 2016

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Someone is fat for no apparent reason. Due to overeating and lack of exercise because one is just "too damn lazy" to do something about their obvious weight problem.

Aeriel Griffin is stupid-fat because she sits around and eats. The only form of exercise she gets is sex with her smaller than average boyfriend.

by Kagan Phillip April 17, 2010

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Stupid O'Clock

Stupid O'Clock is any time after midnight and before 8AM, or hours outside of your natural waking life.
For example, if you have been kept up late and you feel as though you should be asleep, this is stupid O'clock.

See also, 'Stupid Early'.

He came to pick me up at stupid O'clock this morning.. I wan't even awake.

by Eric Booth November 14, 2010

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you stupid

you stupid. no im not. whats nine plus ten. 21. you stupid.

you stupid

by January 7, 2022

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