Source Code

Fuckhead Syndrome

A Syndrome denoting one's overly zealous, overly attention-seeking, overly "jock"; ultimately "over-rated" behavior. First diagnosed in Hobart Tasmania (2005).

"Vossy you suffer a severe case of Fuckhead Syndrome"!

"Charles* I love you, but I can't have this baby if there's even the slightest possibility he might inherit the disorder?"

*Charles is a all-rounder family-man who enjoys a good book and a snuggle with his wife in front of an open wood-fire. Made famous by the controversial statement "Charles, shut the fuckup"!- Subsequently, a slander commonly used to offend those suffering FS.

Note: Charles, in the context of FS, is oven confused with Charles Anderson; a heavy-weight boxing champion In New York. Both Charles do however bear similar physical features (prominent belly, and menacing facial-profile), this often accounts for the confusion in Identity.

by Bosnian Homo November 12, 2006

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Sunday Syndrome

When you dont go to church Sunday and sleep till noon. Then Sunday night you can't fall asleep till 2-3:30 and arrive to school on Monday morning tired and looking like crap.

Boy 1: Woah, you look...tired
Girl 1: I know thats the nice way of saying you look like crap!
Boy 1: What happened?
Girl 1: I have Sunday Syndrome..
Boy 1: What??
Girl 1: I stayed up all of Saturday night at a party, so Sunday I didn't go with my family to church and slept till noon. I fell asleep at 3:00AM this morning and woke up at 5:30AM!
Boy 1: Ouch
Girl 1:Zzz zzz zzz

by KonGluey January 16, 2011

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Drummer's Syndrome

When drummers and wannabe drummers absolutely cannot stop tapping surfaces or playing drumkits in your practice space, despite the fact that the rest of the band needs to sort something out, you've got a case of Drummer's Syndrome on your hands.

"Goddammit, there he goes again with his Drummer's Syndrome! Stop fucking playing, we need to tune!"

by kikanjuuneko December 7, 2005

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Asperger's Syndrome

A word I've been accustomed to since age 11.

It's a real thing and can be beneficial and allowing the "aspie" to think in a different way beneficial to everyone to break up the demon of monotonous conformity which is deemed by the collective human opinion as dangerous! lol

But at times, it can indeed be rather crippling to the individual who has it.


1) I have a stereotypy of rapidly shaking my right leg up on the front of the foot at machinegun speed and I have occassional weird finger twitching in response to a sensory experience deemed strange/weird or unpleasant or when making a point.

2) I have problems with eye contact.

3) Social anxiety is common when trying to do some things.

4) Depression is common from dealing with having a hard time dealing with surroundings and change.

5) Verbose, pedantic, and idiosyncratic language. I was always know for having a wide vocabulary.

6) We tend often to be more on logic.

7) We also tend to think in pictures.

8) Preoccupation with a subject of interest, ranging from the practical to the esoteric. It can be virtually anything.

It's a real thing that can range from being hard to deal with to a definite aid to add onto societies even if we are sometimes on that edge.

But be aware that the depictions and displays of those of with AS are often exaggerated. We're not all geniuses as the IQ level of us often ranges from average to above average. But we can provide a refreshing look on things.

I have Asperger's Syndrome! I know it! I love it! I'm proud of it! And damn anyone who plans to eliminate it as a diagnosis or category! And I would have made a longer explanation but the damn 1500 character limit on the explanation killed that! lol

by Jack694 December 6, 2009

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Renelle Syndrome

A girl who is extremely sexy, with a very attractive face.

Tends to hang around with just one girl and can use her amazing body to attract any guy

Booty breast body Renelle Syndrome

by lusciousbabyx December 5, 2011

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Choob Syndrome

A mental disorder caused by excessive play of world of warcraft,runescape.mosty caused by mmorpgs it is not only limited to them.The symptoms witch might indicate you have this disorder are but are not limited to:

1:Heavy game play time,around 16-20 hours a day

2:excessive use of the words noob,fail,epic fail and uber

3:easily upset even if a player does the slightest wrong move such as not killing a boss their way(even if you succeed)

4:very little patients for other players learning how to do something.

5:easily annoyed by players making stupid jokes

6:constant need to bitch about everything

7:thinking jokes like kicking someone out of a guild is funny

8:people putting thums down on this definition

a normal day playing world of warcaraft with people who have choob syndrome:

dude1:yes we killed that boss
choob1:NO! that was fail you noob you did not take down the adds first.
dude1:but we did it a new way i thought of and a knew it would work and it did.
choob1:fuck you,your ass is out of here.
(kicks dude1 from group)
choob2:look at this staff i got it SOoooo uber cool
choob1:i know dude it is, i just kicked someone out of my guild LAWLLAWLLAWLLAWL
(move forward through the dungeon)
dude2:i don't know how to kill this boss
choob2:WTF you need to know how to do this you ass hole
dude2:but this new dungeon came out today!
(kicks him from group)
(moves further through dungeon)
choob2:WTF why did you loot that
dude3:i need it for my off spec did any of you guys need it?
choob2:no,but its main spec only!
(kicks him from group)
choob1:incoming enemy!
(wipes group,first wipe)
choob2:that was an epic fail!!!!(leaves group)
(all choobs leave group)
dude4:quiters i spent 2 hours waiting to get this group to get put togeter and you all just leave half way through when we are doing all good,fucking ass holes........

by anti-antiman February 18, 2010

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Hamlet's Syndrome

The problem of overthinking and lack of action. It often causes intelligent individuals to be unsuccessful.

Due to Hamlet's Syndrome the genius lived a sad and unproductive life.

by joeblow12 March 27, 2009

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