1) To use force or scare tactics to get the money that's owed to someone, usually for drugs.
2) To exact revenge or payment from someone who has snitched.
"That bitch owes me for the dope - I'm gonna have to tax a snitch to get my cash back."
When an individual or a family struggles to pay income or property taxes in such a way that they question the value of the services those taxes fund.
"I just got back my income tax return and I'm in a total tax bog. After I pay my property tax I might have enough left to buy a burger and a beer."
"My property taxes just went up what the hell do we need a street light for?"
"Whoa man, you got in a fender bender their last summer. You have to get out of this tax bog."
also known as period tax or pink tax; a sales tax/ added value charged on feminine hygiene products such as tampons and pads. While other necessities are tax exempt, feminine hygiene products are not. They are instead taxed as luxury items.
an unjust tax and form of gender discrimination, causing women to pay more, highlighting the prominence of men in government, and hurting young and financially unstable women.
When asked the male equivalence, some may say condoms, however they are necessary to both parties.
This tax exemption bill has been passed in a few states in the United States, Australia, the UK, and a few other countries.
Come on government, abolish the tampon tax so women can afford tampons.
Obama believes the tampon tax exists because men were the ones who made these laws.
The appropriately set tax by a dad or guardian for a child or minor who is making a frozen pizza in dad's home. Typically, 1 piece of pizza is required for tax for a standard frozen pizza. The fully-cooked piece of pizza is to be relinquished to dad by the child because their pizza was prepared in dad's home, in his kitchen, using his oven, using his kitchen utensils, or any other excuse that dad comes up with at that moment.
The child stood in dismay when his father came into the kitchen to get a piece of pizza and collect his pizza tax.
The penalty issued to an individual when he or she fails to secure their drugs or money during a high risk situation such as in a trap house or low budget motel.
Big Red, the low budget plug, left his re-up money on the table when he nodded out at the trap house so Danielle, the heroin junky collected the sloppy tax.
the tax for sinning. it's literally in the name, what do you mean i'm wrong?! it's the 'sin-tax'. the tax you have to pay for sinning- don't look at me like that! you know i'm right, you're just jealous i'm the one who has the balls to say it!
"Oooh, someone's gonna have to pay the sin-tax~"
the tax that the christian church puts (or used to put) when they whould like to repent (or when they are dying)
guy: i think i am dying
church: you sinned, that's double sin tax since you didin't repent since 1999