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AP European History

A class that can be extremely difficult or extremely easy depending on the type of teacher you have. I recommend asking older students what the teacher(s) at your school are like before taking this class.

Type A AP Euro Teacher
The teacher that makes it easy is a teacher that gives little to know busy work, actually talks about questions that will be on the exams, and gives curves. Some kids who are retards or are extremely lazy will still find a way to fail, but majority of kids will pass, and about half will pass the AP Exam. They will even let you share the work with other students at times. This is the type of teacher you want, if you get this kind of teacher, it is a great way to boost your GPA.

Type B AP Euro Teacher
This teacher likes to give 2-3 hours of homework every night, mostly considered busywork every night. Tests will be on the 8 chapters assigned the night before the test, and almost everybody will fail and there will be no curves. They will also create retarded projects, useless essays and make you memorize vocab words which wont be on the AP Test. This teacher will likely give you 5 different textbooks, and expect you to read every page of every textbook by the time the year is over. When the AP Test comes around, the 7 people who haven't dropped the class usually end up doing ok, but at the cost of drastically lowering their GPA. These teachers are responsible for roughly 8.2% of teenage suicide.

Student A:I love my AP European History teacher, I have a 95% and I barely study, he goes over all the test questions in class, and I only read chapter outlines on his website! My History teacher Rocks!

Student B:Screw you, There are no A's, 1 B, 3 C's, 40 D's and 80 F's in all of my AP European History teacher's classes, I spend 3 hours a night on homework and have to study 4 hours to get a D on a test, 5 students have killed themselves this year, 7 are in mental hospitals, 6 have eating disorders, 3 are in jail for trying to kill the teacher. AP European History sucks.

by Junker939393 December 4, 2013

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AP euro syndrome

When you ignore your other classes and homework to focus strictly on AP European History work.

Mom: Why are your grades all 70s except AP Euro?
Student: I have AP euro syndrome, I can't help it!

by msuts November 20, 2010

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The Red Ape Family

A stupid fucking animated TV show with NFTs as characters.

person 1: Have you seen The Red Ape Family?
person 2: I made sure to screenshot every frame of that awful shit, and I even right clicked and saved it.

by CHUNGUS MUNCHER November 28, 2021

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AP World History

AP World History is a satanic class created by the College Board that is intended to initiate young sophomores into a vortex of money-wasting in a series of more AP classes, SATs, and SAT Subject Tests. In this hellhole of a class, you will be forced to write essays in like 40 minutes for no reason at all on completely obsolete topics like Hammurabi's code. Every test will be failed by everyone and the curve is NOT generous cause there's always that ONE tryhard who ruins the curve for everyone. For the essay writing, you might want to contact a physical therapist afterwards. Oh YEAH the busywork is outrageous and you will get absolutely no SLEEP. THE ONLY WAY TO SURVIVE IS CHEATING. PEOPLE WILL COPY OUTLINES, FIND QUIZLETS, and BEG THE OTHER CLASS FOR ANSWERS 24/7.My advice is to not take this filthy excuse of a hard class and take something like Bio in sophomore instead.

Person 1: Did you do the homework for AP World History?
Person 2: No Baljeet sent it to me I don't even care if I get caught Ive gotten like no sleep.

by stressedscholar April 9, 2016

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by MARGIE MARIO December 26, 2012

AP Physics B

Synonymous with suicide, AP Physics B is a hardcore class where you learn nothing, but manage to complete an entire textbook by April. Packets of AP questions are given over holiday breaks and homework is given during mid-terms, while regular book assignments can take up to three hours a night to complete, and tests have nothing to do with the material covered in class. Conclusively, AP Physics B is a class only hardcore science and nerd lovers should take.

John: Hey, there's a hockey game tonight- wanna go?
Jane: Sorry, but I'll be killing myself AP Physics B style.

by JAEMDE January 23, 2011

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AP World History

Is a common disease that many teenagers get around sophomore year. Symptoms include: forgetting to eat, sleep, and sometimes breath. To deal with this illness, you must study your ass off on homework that is nothing like the test. Basically, you are fucked. If you are happy in this class, you are even more fucked. Caution: do not take this class or you will surfer the fucking consequences. Beware

Student: What should I do tonight? End my suffering or do AP World History homework....?

by Margo312 November 24, 2015

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