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boiled the bunny

the act of a girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, someone you had a one-night stand with, etc. going off the deep end and becomes obsessive and/or delusional

guy 1: I told my girlfriend I had basketball practice and she still called me 10 times in 2 hours

guy 2: You need to dump her man, she's officially boiled the bunny on you

by drunkirishmick March 3, 2011

Grease Bunnies

Term for a female that prefers dating or having sex with mechanics

"Dude, every since I became certified as a mechanic I've got grease bunnies all over me"

by Zorina August 14, 2021

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Hana the Bunny

A lewdy bunny girl who has a 2,000+ following on Instagram, Hana posts pictures and videos of herself wearing a bunny suit inspired by the character Mai Sakurajima from Bunny Girl Senpai. The best and cutest bunny around, she's adorable in how she walks and flirts with others.

Evelyn: "Hana the Bunny really posted a new picture on Instagram? Wow, is she cute!"
Random Person #754: "Yah!"

by EeveeCutie! September 10, 2023

Camp bunny

A person who likes to sleep around in work camps / northern Alberta oil rigs with guys and milk them for their money ruining families

I met this camp bunny her names fayth bro don’t go there she took all
My money true story

by Thatoilrigman July 16, 2021

Slut Bunny

A woman who has intercourse with many men in a short period of time. Hopping around from penis to penis like a bunny rabbit

Man...that chick Amanda is such a Slut Bunny

by Thatnonsimpguy December 3, 2021

tri bunny

Girls who love triathletes and only date triathletes

Tri bunny:omgggg ahhhhhhh here comes the first place guyyyyy

by Triguy December 14, 2013

Bouncing bunny

Woman jogger

Damn, Did you see that bouncing bunny?

by BunnyBoyInMo September 7, 2017