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circle jerk

Prostitutes term for a male who drives around the block looking at hookers but not picking one up.

one hooker to another when commenting on prospective client,
'ignore him, he's a circle jerk'

by n vaughan November 27, 2004

9πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

full circle

make a point to early. takes time but they finally get it. it finally clicks.

comes back all the way around.
plant a seed then it grows.
not a square no stops it’s a circle.

i remember when i was talkin bout dat and gave you the answer you were looking for. i told you i was talkin facts full circle yo

by BumStatusYo December 7, 2018

4πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Circle Jerk

A ritual in which multiple negroes excitedly form a circle and proceed to perform a dance which is synonymous with the hit 2009 hip-hop song "You're a Jerk (I know)" by the New Boyz. Said dance called "the jerk" is performed at many parties and gatherings and street corners where the ratio of negroes to white men is greater than 4:1.

Regee: "Ay mayne you hittin' up dat circle jerk 2nite.

Winston: "I sincerely apologize, but I must decline for I am a caucasian male."

Regee:"Mayne, datz wak."

by Sandman "Jedii Jerk" Jones September 18, 2009

13πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

circle jerking

a term used to say someone jerks off another man, to call them gay

jon and anthony are in the kitchen circle jerking

by Fat jake and the overeaters September 4, 2003

22πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž

Circle Games

The act of running in circles to try and have buttsecks with one's self.

Go play circle games you fagot.

by PenisChampion May 16, 2009

78πŸ‘ 333πŸ‘Ž

slut circle

a group of sluts and/or tools who talk about meaningless bullshit in a circle

*group of tools talking*
*guy enters conversation*: Is this the slut circle?

*in the slut circle*
Slut/Tool: So I was like yea and he was like yea!
Other slut/tool: no way!
Slut/tool: yea!
Non slut/tool: ...wow whata slut circle

by TheLegendOfBoss October 12, 2011

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Seabear Circle

A group of gay men forming a circle while performing anal sex and a person in the middle of this circle has ultimate no homo powers for life if they can manage to find a way into the middle of the seabear circle

β€œYou kissed a guy that’s homosexual”
β€œNo I’ve been inside a seabear circle that’s not possible”

by Great guys December 14, 2018

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž