A word cringy middle schoolers use to incinuate that they like you.
Person1: Think!
person2: I cant be that braindead right!?
“Thinking your cool from the past” if a person Says that, It means Your Cool from the past and They are thinking your have the same thing in common.
And they want to be friends with you again Cause They thought how cool you were back then.
“Hey I’ve been thinking your cool and wanting to be friends cause we have talken before and I had a feeling having stuff in common not in a gay way.” (Thinking your cool from the past)
when your mind makes it's mind up
Hey I think my mind has made it's mind up
Thinking Bout You is about fingering
I love thinking bout you
so u love fingering urself
When upper management (the type of person who wears a suit to work) makes bad decisions or stupid decisions that only makes sense to other people in upper management.
Employee One: some of this stuff doesn't make sense, they send requisitions through two departments to get procurements for a third. What kind of thinking is that?
Employee two: That's suit thinking
The way my teacher describs my groups know how base.
Ms.H said to research our topic and put it in to the big think tank of knowledge.