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Shit soup

When you take a shit and then piss in the toilet afterward

Goddamnit! You didn't flush your shit soup!

by maxxor129 June 20, 2015

40πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Nut Shit

A slang term in reference to doing something ridiculous typically used in the Philly region.

''Why you outside in the cold with no shirt on? You on some nut shit...''
''Boul on some nut shit wearing that fake ass belt''
''You on some nut shit fighting that lil ass boy''

by PeanutLive215 December 18, 2020

529πŸ‘ 180πŸ‘Ž

No funny shit

For one to be serious, used around New York, it would be like saying real talk. If some hits you with β€œno funny shit” there about to tell the truth.

Tykeis β€œ, no funny shit, my ma died yesterday”.

Marcus”, deadass ?”.
Tykeis β€œ word 2 !”.

by NYkid718πŸ₯΅. June 7, 2019

40πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

shit happens

Something that happens that is out of your control. Also meant if you really don't care for what happened.

Guy 1: "dude, did you hear what happened?"
Guy 2: "shit happens. So what's new?"

by HigherChamp January 26, 2014

72πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

shit test

A manufactured grievance a woman uses to test the mettle, competence and confidence of her mate. It is an intentional provocation accompanied by an implicit and subconscious desire that the man put his foot down, set reasonable boundaries and demonstrate that he will not be bullied, nagged, shamed or guilted into submission. Its purpose is to confirm for her that he is capable of doing what needs to be done to provide for and protect her and her children. The subconscious thought process is, "If he can't stand up to me, how will he be able to deal with the cavemen down the valley who keep us up all night revving their motorcycles, let alone help bring down a mastodon or fend off the sabre toothed tigers?"

The worst thing a man can do when his woman is shit testing him is assume the grievance is genuine and cave in to her. Despite her seeming demand that he submit, if he does, she will lose respect for him, and once she loses respect for him she will believe that she's with a man who is not worthy of her, which in turn makes her angry and resentful of him. She will then escalate the tests, each grievance becoming more and more outrageous and irrational in a desperate bid for him to finally draw a line and say, "this far, no further."

''I had to dump her because i was getting tired of the constant shit tests''

by youngsimba1991 August 7, 2019

784πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž

Weird Shit

Beyond just a strange situation. This is where you itch your head and get the fuck out of there. Weird shit is something that occurs that can't be fully understood why and how it happened. It should be left alone in most cases.

You do NOT want to be around weird shit when it happens. If you want to take a look at some weird shit, then do it from a large distance away from the weird shit.

The man approaches the dancing Polar Bear wearing a cowboy outfit out in the desert.
The man was later found next to a cactus raped by the polar bear.
This is why you get the fuck out when you see weird shit.

by Deti October 7, 2009

122πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

weed shits

weed shits generally happen after a long night of blazing and trying to stem the tide of munchies. As we all know the best food to deal with said munchies is junk food which is barely digestible. Therefore the next morning about 90% of the food that was consumed is forced out the opposite end that it went in.

Oh man i just had the worst case of the weed shits in my life

by ajax2220 October 31, 2009

232πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž