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Six tits

An insult used to offend men who lack common sense

This derives from the satan in the shin megami tensei series

Person 1: your a fat bitch
Person 2: shut the fuck up six tits
Person 1: *dies from bubonic plague*

by wxllxxmx December 16, 2019

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Speed tits

Women's Breasts that can be characterized as smallish, lithe, or athletic. Often seen on swimmers or dancers. So called for their aerodynamic efficiency.

Sarah weighs 98 pounds. She's got speed tits.

by Eyereamer November 23, 2016

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Lit tit

When the tits are so hot that they are literally on fire

Yo I heard javarious saw sharkeishas lit tit and he fainted

by Analtoots4life January 29, 2017

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Triangle tits

When someone's nipples show through their shirt, but just their nipples, not the rest of their boobs, and they look like sticks or triangular prisms under their shirts. Mostly seen on women in many 1940s and '50s movies.

Mary's shirt was so thin, you could see her triangle tits.

by Mattymona May 9, 2014

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feather tit

When a woman decides to show one of her breasts by pulling her collar down and pushing it through the neck hole.

Dude, did you see the girl in that car? She totally gave me the feather tit. And that shit was whack, homes.

by The Amusing Corpse February 16, 2011

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Rockstar Tits

Man-boobs resulting from lack of exercise and overeating. It is important to note that the man flaunts his RSTs (Rockstar Tits) with no shame.

"Damn yo, that dude was shaking his rockstar tits in the club... I though he was a broad for a minute until I looked at his face."

"Did you see that rich dude rocking his RSTs at the beach. Somehow I'm jealous of that RST swag."

by The CK1 October 21, 2013

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battery tits

Breasts that are so small they are the same size as batteries AA and AAA. Non-boobs.

Look at that lass over there man, she has fucking battery tits!

by eungkid February 7, 2011

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