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purple jelly

a pefect amount of liquid hydocodine mixed in with a perfect amount of sprite. A Houstin original.
AKA purple sprite

I got purple jelly in my cup

by SAMMY May 14, 2006

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purple slinky

when you fuck soo hard your dick shrivels up and turns purple when your done

Dude she goes hard, she gave me a purple slinky last time!

by KyGen May 4, 2011

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Purple Slurpee

When one's sexual partner, before orgasm, squeezes one's testicles until they turn purple. Then the partner proceeds to drink the semen from the pained penis.

Oh, I'm gonna cum! Give me a Purple Slurpee! (Squeeze) Eugh! (Slurp)

by Dinkle McButtfarter November 8, 2015

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Purple Patch

To describe coming into something good, coming into good luck and or good times.

Like walking over small green hills in the countryside then coming across a purple patch of flowers, thus it being unique and out of the ordinary.

I hit a real purple patch.

The other day this good thing happened unexpectedly then I was lucky with this, it was unique, I hit a real purple patch.

by Ralph Shitstorm October 27, 2020

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purple stack

A stack or wad of 500 euro notes.

It's called a purple stack because the 500 euro note is purple. 500 euro notes are the most widely available high-denomination currency, worth about 6-7 times a 100 USD note. This enables one to carry a lot of money in a very small volume.

Muhammad got caught flying out of Madrid with a million euro in purple stacks.

by trichet February 15, 2011

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purple unicorned

A condition caused by dropping a hit of LSD and waiting for an hour for the effects of the hallucinogen only to be disappointed that the dose was a total dud, so you take another dose and the first dose starts to kick in twenty minutes later, and then twenty minutes later the second dose begins to take effect, and within the next hour you find yourself in the middle of a parallel universe fucking a carnival ride horse that speaks in tongues; usually this state ends in arrest for multiple felonies and a good lesson learned: LSD results may vary.

1st tripper: I totally got purple unicorned last night?
2nd tripper: How come you're not in jail?
1st tripper: The carnival was closed and I just ended up in a pasture fuckin' a cow.
2nd tripper: How was she?
1st tripper: Fine ... until the bull showed up.

by THE DOOMED STUFFING November 9, 2014

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Purple Tiptoes

When having intercourse standing up, the male retrieves his penis in time to ejaculate on the ground in front of the partner; who then shoves the partner through the newly created puddle, causing them to slip in it and fall and appear purple after being bruised severely.

My girlfriend looks like she got the shit beat out of her, but really, it was because I gave her purple tiptoes.

by buhooobs November 11, 2009

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