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To fart and something extra comes out, not exceeding the buttocks or touching clothing such as underwear or pants.

Damn man, that was close! I greased my asscrack after all of those buffalo wings!

by SniggihTterb February 5, 2024


The act of completing or consuming something extremely fast.

"Damn, we're gonna be late for class. Let me grease these yogurts real quick."
"I just greased the fuck out of that midterm. Shit was easy af."

by LSGOE April 1, 2019


When someone’s belongings are stolen or when someone is robbed. To be greasy is means you’re someone who steals things and you’re untrustworthy. The term is used mostly in Canada and originated in Winnipeg, MB where the robbery rate is 5x higher than the national average.

Bro: Yo bro I got greased for my smokes last night at the party.
Me: Bet it was that Northside chick shes known to be hella greasy.

by PegCity2VanCity November 1, 2020



When you are in a situation that is unfortunate, hard to get out of, or a situation when you are taken advantage of. Exactly the same as getting screwed, shafted, or fucked over. This term is more popular in Canada than the United States.

Related to: Greasy, Greasing, Grease


When you are in a situation that is unfortunate, hard to get out of, or a situation when you are taken advantage of. Exactly the same as getting screwed, shafted, or fucked over. This term is more popular in Canada than the United States.

Related to: Greasy, Greasing, Grease

Person 1: "Hey man I just talked to that guy from the car dealership, and he said I can't have my deposit back"

Person 2: "Yeah man, sounds like he Greased you"

by BillyDaYak January 11, 2019


When you are in a situation that is unfortunate, hard to get out of, or a situation when you are taken advantage of. Exactly the same as getting screwed, shafted, or fucked over. This term is more popular in Canada than the United States.

Related to: Greasy, Greasing, Grease

Person 1: "Hey man I just talked to that guy from the car dealership, and he said I can't have my deposit back"

Person 2: "Yeah man, sounds like he Greased you"

by BillyDaYak August 5, 2018


When you smash or hit a bih.
Getting some 🐱.

Mann i greased that peez last night.
I greased her in the bathroom.

by Yae🖤 March 30, 2022


Guys getting ready, pregaming, getting ready for a party

"Ready to get greased before we head out?"
"Dude I'm already greased, let's go to the party!"

by chickpeaprincess October 26, 2017