An African American man who loves white women
Jamal is an African American man is a white berry for whites women
A white person who goes tanning so much their skin is baked to the color brown.
Damn! Look at that guy Jonathon, hes been in and out of the tanner everyday; hes starting to look like a white-brownie!
In coursework this is the filler that from a glance looks good but when looked at more closely is utter dog. Derived from the white melon that is present in most bang average fruit salads that is used as filler material but provides no enjoyable flavour.
Mate, that page is proper white melon. No useful material.
an awesome dude who gets cake all night every night and gets all woman even cougar nice and gentle
kamron white is awesome
1) Small YouTuber who uses drama for attention.
2) breed of black and white cat that tends to live on the streets covered in bodily fluids
Did you see that stray Blaine white?
Is white person that think they are Mexican
Look at the white spic right there with the vatos
White visers are used primarily is gay gang bangs. The trend started in Germany and quickly spread to the states where they are frequently worn In low quality homosexual porn. They use the white visers to represent the sporty yet cum colored sexual relations the males have with one another.
Billy: "hey look at those cool white visers"
Ted:"no man, they're about to get some gay shit on and suck each other off"
Billy: "what the fuck, fuck white visers"