Source Code

One in a million

I love you

You bring out the best in me. You make me a better version of myself. You're one in a million.

by Out&About November 29, 2021

I did my dance one time on TikTok and went viral with it

A meme/song lyric.

Drake: I did my dance one time on TikTok and went viral with it. Uh uh, uh uh.
The guy recording him: Geez, are you busting a move or busting a nut?

Dog: I did my dance one time on TikTok and went viral with it!
(Proceeds to hump mop)

by MalumLibrum958 July 3, 2022

One man bandwidth

When your internet can only support one solitary device.

Barnabus got really angry because he couldn’t connect multiple devices to Blues shitty one man bandwidth internet.

by Realmack August 1, 2018


that one time i had to shit butt you where not in a posision to do so and you also shat yer self

that one time you had to shit in a buss ou shit i shat myself

by CAPTAIN-DUCK August 2, 2020

Team one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish

This team consists of FatalMovie, sofiasomthin, and mckennabakugo, these three people may possibly be the best Minecraft Bedwars players ever seen. Together they can beat anyone at anytime and have thousands of Bedwars games. Their origin story consists of one day meeting by chance on the bedwars discord server and playing bedwars together the rest is history and how they got their team name; well that’s a story for another day.

Team one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish is the most elite team of minecraft players I have ever seen.

by mckennabakugo March 18, 2022

by one/by 1

A stupid term used by stupid Malaysian/Indonesian PUBG MOBILE/MOBILE LEGEND players to challenge someone to have a 1-on-1 battle with them.

sok jago lu, by one/by 1 sini
kau tak payah nak acah la, by one/by 1 la mari

by akir19122001 October 22, 2021

All Stars Burn As One

The Anthem of the Galactic Republic. One of the best fucking star wars songs out there.

Galactic Republic,
Star Systems United.
Under our flags,
All Stars Burn As One.
We will fight to protect,
Always will protect,
The laws of our democracy.
We will not be ruled by thy,
Who seek to destroy,
Who seek to destroy,
Who seek to destroy,
Our lordly democracy!
Ruled o'er by the people!
Voices that will always,
That'll always be heard!
Galactic Republic,
Star Systems United.
Under our flag,
All Stars Burn As One.
For Eternity!

by CC-8826 July 14, 2023