a wank stain mongtarded dug we all love
james wants stevie put down sophie licked his balls
we all love stevie the dog someone wants him put down he has tiny balls
The Russian Chili Dog is when someone defecate on their partners chest especially between a female boobs then have sex with it. It is also similar to a Cleveland Steamer.
I gave my wife a Russian Chili Dog last night.
A sex act where two or more blind people meet up with strangers in a carpark and have sex.
Where's Stevie gone? Oh hes gone down to the park with a bag of viagra and lube to go guide dogging.
A loose piece of a car's front fender, bumper, or skirt that flaps in the wind as it drives. Typically associated with minor accident damage that was hastily repaired.
Ronnie's Civic has a bad dog lip after he took out that garbage can.
The noise emitted from a person when cold water is thrown on the back of a male whose penis has swollen to the point that he is "stuck" inside the sexual partner's anus.
I thought it was called a yelp but my urologist told me it was called a dog scream.
a black person who is into anime & Japanese culture
This Ghost Dog sure loves watching Dragonball Z and eating Ramen all the time!
When you’re hitting it from the back and she Poops on your shaft.
“Bro you’re not gonna believe this, I was clapping Tammy and she dog logged me.”
“That’s fucked!!”