Noun: anyone who brings up Fuck The Owner Week, a cuck, a tactard who gets no bitches
"That one fucking discord member is a pain in the ass."
Also known as the "Volunteer's Dilemma". This is a social dilemma with several people involved and one must sacrifice their evolvement or reward for the benefit of the rest of the group.
I saw that guy really take one for the team. You must be close.
A company that takes care of processing payments and making a transaction.
I used merchant one the other day to buy a Gi-normous burrito.
probably ryan donoghue in disguise. the "small stature" remark would fit. choad.
be aware of the implications of one's actions or of a situation, and of how best to deal with them.
Here's a sentence using "know what one is about":
She was a seasoned negotiator who clearly knew what she was about.
The most SUPER DUPER AWESOME comic made by truckstoptiger5. Give it a read. Contains a guy wanting to fuck/murder his boy bestie
"yoooo my sneaky link!!!"
"What's a sneaky link?"
"From One Wheat Mark, obviously 🙄"