The act of ejaculating on a closely related family member
My cousin was giving me the coke fuck me look last night, so I took her home and gave her the ol Alabama baby shower
The amniotic sac breaking and liquid being released from a pregnant woman's vagina. Also known as a women's water breaking.
The woman's water broke and she got her baby broth all over my persian rug
An aunt under 10 years older, same age or younger.
My baby aunt is the reason why we are here
Someone who is 25 years of age or younger
Person 1: Do you see that man over there? He’s a baby ass.
Person 2: Yeah, 22 year olds are so immature.
You basically use it to make fun of someone.
A child born only for the parents to raise it to be famous or a money-maker
“Oh, you see Sarah? She’s an ego baby, poor thing. If only she could be allowed to do what she wanted with her life instead of being forced to become a doctor or lawyer. What a shame.”
Hey baby, can you run to the store and pick up some baby socks?