Source Code

Getting crotched

When two people go into the scissoring position fully clothed and rub, commonly used in Utah among Mormons

Last night I was getting crotched by that floozie

by dangerdan29 December 30, 2023

Get Gillis'd

When you work very hard to make in the entertainment industry and finally land a gig of major substance, only to have that gig revoked because of something you said previously while trying to be cool and edgy.

I can't tell those jokes, people would be outraged, and I'm not trying to get Gillis'd when I finally make it.

by Kandydoesntkare September 16, 2019

Get in my way and i'll whack you in the Labonza

A quote that is used by Legs a character from the simpsons, threatening somone to beat him up in the gut

What's the matter you?
You ain't so big.
Me and him are gonna whack-a you in Labonza or gut

Get in my way and i'll whack you in the Labonza

by MeshueRay March 6, 2017

Getting scorched

When you die to a five year old scorch main in Titanfall 2

Damnit, I keep getting scorched by this kid on the enemy team.

by Mr. Mundie April 6, 2021

get beaned

when you slam a box of beans on someones head
a fun way to say you will die next

a word often used when drunk

death: "your about to get beaned, say goodbye"
drunk: "get beaned sonny, get beaned"

by bbEanEDDDD November 27, 2017

It's easy, fun, free, legal, calorie-free, and won't get you pregnant

How you describe a proposed recreational activity to a girl to alleviate most of her "automatic" (i.e., uncertainties that would typically occur to her "right off the bat" whenever anything unfamiliar is suggested to her) concerns .

Telling a cutie that, "It's easy, fun, free, legal, calorie-free, and won't get you pregnant" when you wanna give her an "all over" massage is fine and dandy,. but how can you be so sure that this will all be true? I mean, just **you** try and "keep it in your pants" when you have a luscious-fleshed girl lying naked and submissive in front of you!

by QuacksO January 4, 2020

get the crate

means just do it no matter the consequences.
derived from the game worms where crates may have weapons or may be booby trapped.

steve:shud i ask out carla?
max: yeh fo sho
steve: what if she says no?
max: just get the crate steve

by Maximouse bradley August 16, 2008