Hanz a soldier who carries a flamethrower
Overused by internet users to... I really don't know ask a cap for more info
"Hanz get the flamethrower"
p1: there are 99 Genders
p2:Hanz get ze flamethrower
means to get your money, its very chavy
we have to get yer moolah tommora otherwise it will go out of date
A distinct honor bestowed upon an individual in recognition for loyalty and superior performance in areas as such as interpersonal relationships. sardonic humor, teamwork, MILFing, hero worship, intimacy, BBW enthusiast, Cockgamesmanship and BFF. The promise of "getting the Saab " represents the ultimate achievement for any confidant or sugar baby and peak moment demonstrating pure requited love for all Sugar Moms and Dads.
After reflecting on the glorious night ful filled with intrigue, egotism, math answers, obedience and mind bending orgasms; Jenna felt compelled to tell him that he would be getting the Saab.
When your shit gets fucked up in the most awesome way possible.
Bro i hope we get cabbaged tonight!
That would be awesome!
when you ask for head but then get your ass beat and then after getting your ass beat by someone else and making excuses for being a pussy, while also getting nudes from middle schoolers and trying to say she sent them randomly
"Bro I was getting Jack Moored earlier"