Source Code

Biggie D

A retarded way of saying big deal

Can also be used as biggie of a d, as in saying "it isn't that big of a deal"

Guy: Fuck we're out of gas!

Dude: Its not a biggie d, there's a Chevron right there.


Dude: You got mustard on my shoes!

Guy: It ain't that biggie of a d, I always keep some oxyclean in the trunk.

by holla fo a dollas February 24, 2009

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


M&D is a shortened version of β€œMaddie and Damien.” Two adorable characters in a story being created by an adorable person. They’re like Bonnie and Clyde and stick by each other’s sides no matter the amount of danger they’re in.

β€œWell if it isn’t M&D...” Said William, before stepping into Maddie’s trap.

by BarfBelly77 September 3, 2019

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

34 D

The most perfect Bra size!

ex: Dude, I snagged me a 34 D!

by mkc08 July 19, 2008

97πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

bob on the d

Bob on the D- the act of bobbing on the dick

V. blowjob

"Hey Yo Crack she bob on the D man?"

by ike71 December 20, 2006

68πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


A penis
other examples:

"i told him 8=D was a math problem and wrote it all over his book and he was fine with it. What a dumbass!"

by trayvaughn deshauvenston March 20, 2005

1656πŸ‘ 577πŸ‘Ž

Tenacious D

The Rock Duo Consisting of one "Kyle Gass"(Acoustics) and one "Jack Black"(Vocals). They Pride Themselves On Being The Greatest Band In The World.

Tenacious D Is The Greatest Band In The World!!

by Mightyted April 8, 2003

86πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


- And epic store, full of clothes made for emo/scene kids.
Skinny jeans in every colour, shirts of every mainstream emo/screamo band.
Converse and vans of every shade.
And emo/scene kids heaven.
Plus- They always play great music, and have great friendly employes, Unlike other clothing stores.

Scene kid- Wanna go to the mall?
Emo kid- Hell yeah! D-tox just opened there!

Scene kid 1 - I need some purple shutter shades to go with my yellow skinnies. You know where I can get some?
Scene kid 2- Yeah! D-Tox

by yellow skinny jeans! October 5, 2008

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž