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two smoke

primitive internal combustion engine, powered by tank of burning fossils. easily distinguishing by voluminous clouds of blue smoke. Favourite bike choice of sooky floundering bench racers complaining of fouled spark plugs and cracked reed valves, whilst prophecising the ease of the 12 "simple & inexpensive" rebuilds per annum. get an effie and learn to ride!!!

completely blinded by unwaivering devotion to neanderthal technology 'kx250' could not see that his two smoke clanger is a piece of junk

by fingalhead August 17, 2006

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Smoking 120

two dime bags of weed rolled into a blunt using a $100 bill

I was in the club smoking 120.

I am rich bitch, i just smoked 120 in the ritz carlton.

by Witchdoctor April 15, 2009

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Smoke and Coke

In the U.S. Navy, in some commands, this is a term meaning "break time". You can use the head (restroom), have a smoke, drink a cola drink, share a joke, talk about anything. AKA "Coke and Joke".

We're in a specialty school and it's 1 o'clock. Time for a Smoke and Coke.

by I Saw U2 Live Twice March 1, 2009

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smoke city

sebastian, Florida
it's called smoke city because it is so boring here there is nothing to do but smoke trees

Mike Jones: lets go to smoke city!
Slim Thug: iight, i hear they got some dank shit there!

by alex campione November 4, 2007

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smoked turkey

A female's vagina after it has been defecated in numerous times. If left overnight to ferment, the scent often resembles that of a smoked turkey.

"Man, last night i smoked that girls turkey like it's going out of style! Ya bitch!"

by Allen Schmidt June 4, 2003

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Smoke and Slide

To get someone stoned so you can bone them. Usually where they would not do it with you.

"I called Beth over for a Smoke and Slide"

by Tried it and Liked it December 31, 2009

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smoke a peg

To fellate a penis (or in slang, suck a cock)

"Go and smoke a peg, you dirty whore!!", or, "You peg smoker!!"
When used in a sentence....."Hey could u please grab me a glass of water??" (answer) "Sure, if you smoke my peg!!"

by Jonny Smith June 9, 2005

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