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Lon 30

A very nice person & loving heart she’s a Shiesty one tho has a bad attitude and very hype temper will turn to 0 to 100 very fast and has a excitement energy all the time

Lon 30

by November 23, 2021

March 30

Grab your homie by the balls

P1: bro tomorrow is March 30th u better wear a cup.
P2: nah bro all offense tomorrow

by Ijustpooped March 30, 2022

March 30

A rich short very loveable and cute person whos most likely to get engaged with a scorpio

Wow you were born on March 30th?
You know that Aries are most compatible with scorpios

by Dr mike oxlongg July 6, 2024

Nov 30

Give a girl named Kimberly/aliyah a hug

Hey Kimberly

Hello Cris
Wanna hug

It's Nov 30 national day

by Prettyluv_cris November 28, 2021

Nov 30

The last day of NNN
The soldiers that survived will have my full respect.

Nibba 1: yo its nov 30. You know what that means
Nibba 2: yesir tomorrow we will polish the popsicle

by C00m sh0t November 30, 2020

Nov. 30

Almost are at the end of no nut November 🥜

Guys we almost are almost are at the end of no nut November happy Nov. 30

by DynamicD3 November 1, 2021

Nov 30

The day when you get your first kiss!

Go get your girl friend/boy friend and give them a real mouth to mouth kiss <3 cause its Nov 30 ofc

by ccristl2011@gmil.com November 30, 2022