Source Code

69 Day Streak

When two people have reached their 69 day streak, they must 69 or send nudes to eachother

Aw man we finally reached our 69 day streak

by Heldpeen May 27, 2019

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

69 and some change

when youre lickin your girls puss and extend the tongue to lick her asshole!

i heard tom hit his girl with 69 and some change. i always knew he would toss the salad.

by cereo November 15, 2006

44πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Ch. 69 Bankruptcy

The carnal connection of mediocre attention-hungry accountants that results in so much cringe, both their respective employers immediately file for bankruptcy.

Oh man, Pete and Liz almost caused a major Ch. 69 Bankruptcy with all of their disgusting flirting.

by Tankdog November 13, 2020

lesbian standing 69

It's the same thing as a standing 69, the only difference is that two girls perform the move. One stands up and lifts the other in a tombstone piledriver position and they both eat their pussies until they cum.

Jennifer: I heard that you and Lexi had sex last night.

Becky: It was amazing, we did the lesbian standing 69 and after we cummed I fell back and we dropped in bed.

by Krashito February 6, 2017

Lank master 69

When half fish eats human and has mediocre nipples and emo hair and has headphones glued to their head

Lank master 69 was rocking that emo music

by Big chinchilla dad April 4, 2019

Divine Swine 69

an elegant, fancy bitch.

guy 1: hey who’s that
guy 2: that’s divine swine 69
guy 1: what does that name even mean?
guy 2: an elegant, fancy bitch

by divineswine69 July 28, 2020

Niggalations 69:420

All homies boy or girl have to show their boobs to each other

Guy friend show ur boobs

Girl no
Guy niggalations 69:420 says u gotta

by 666696969666969 October 8, 2021

22πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž