Source Code


3/4 of the word "Fact".

Iam "........."

Hym *Snickers*

Iam "........."

Hym *Snickers* "You still sulking over there?"

Iam *Glares*

Hym *Snickers* "Ppfftt Bwahahahahaha aha aha aaaahahahaha!!!"

Iam "You can't be serious!"

Hym "Ha! What you don't like the Joker laugh anymore? HAHAHAHAHAAAA! Blah blah blah! He BaStArDiZeD tHe Ip! You just feel like you sullied your idol with your own inadequacy."

Iam "It wasn't supposed to... Why is this so funny to you?"

Hym "It's the act! The act of doing it is what makes it funny! It's perfectly analogous to our experience! And he encapsulated it in time. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!? HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Iam "This isn't... Whatever..."

Hym "Ha!"

by Hym Iam April 28, 2022


Noun. the biggest joke or poor out ever.

he’s is the biggest act.

by The Biggest Act November 27, 2017

Acting like a bird

Being autistic

Person : What is wrong with Mark? Why is he acting like a bird!

by Cosmicbipolar March 28, 2023

act like geese and get the flock outta here

I'm fuckin leavin, syonarra

Go to your gf's house. She says," I'm on my period". "Well I guess it's about time to act like geese and get the flock outta here".

by Mr.McGinnis April 3, 2016

The Act Right

Noun: A gun, most commonly a semiautomatic handgun.

Synonyms: Chopper, Iron, Gat, Strap.

Available in calibers from .17HMR - .50AE

Most typically, choice in caliber directly corresponds to amount of compensation for penis size. (See also: Micropenis)

The Act Right: A gun.

People start running their mouth and talking wreckless, but once I jerk that pistol and get ready to do work they all the sudden wanna act right.

by ItsNotCalledFreebreeze January 22, 2019

Acting like a granola bar

In essence, when one is acting like a granola bar, it means that they are acting in an unstable and unprecedented manner, that it evokes concern to all individuals nearby. Like Nature Valley Granola Bars, which tend to disintegrate easily. If an individual's mental health and overall lifestyle is showing signs of decline and instability, one could say that they are acting like a granola bar. In closure, to act like a granola bar means that you are fucking Wilding and acting crazy asf.

Person 1 background: recently lost their job, about to be evicted, has gotten numerous restraining orders in the last few days, hasn't taken care of their hygiene in a long ass time, and is doing black tar heroin on the double.
"Hey bro, you see that thicc ass Boulder near the highway?"
Person 2: "yeah what about it?"
Person 1: " yo we should like totally drive full speed towards it, it would be like so poggers lol"
Person 2:" imma be real with you, you have been acting like a granola bar recently, I think we should have an intervention"

by reformedshibainu January 14, 2022


a revolutionary word to encompass the marvelous diversity in life and realities

juxta- : side by side

-act- (-s) (-ed) (-ing) (-ion) : do, exist

Interrupting/rejecting fabricated narratives (i.e., racialized hierarchies) that perpetuate systemic oppression requires radical juxta-action.

by madscience March 24, 2017