When a girl or guy you’re dating says It’s all good, it’s in fact not good. You’ve let them down many times and at this point in time they expect it and are to hurt or emotionally numbed to care.
Him: Hey baby, I’m really sorry, but I’ll have to cancel again. I love you
Her: It’s all good *thinks to self: I knew this would happen again, I don’t even care anymore, he’s a liar at point and I can’t even trust him on his word*
Best Synth pop band in Ireland
One of their songs “darkest ocean” was featured in fifa 16
Tom: dude did you hear about the band all tvvins?
Greg: yeah dude their awesome
A term used to describe all of a particular type of thing
'That supermaket has all the breads'
'They've got it all - all the breads'
A phrase often yelled by a disgruntled old man who cannot find what he is looking for.
"What do you mean this is a hardware store it's all lamps?!"
When a person has exaggerated drawn on eyebrows, they can come across as looking somewhat shocked, or even surprised, no less.
What’s up? You’re looking all Courtney