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i get multiple

Random guy: you see that guy? he gets loads of bitches
god someone end me

by whyamihere?towritedefinitions? December 11, 2021

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an inconsiderate, selfish, spoiled, drama starter, conceited person (especially a female )

Emily knox is such a bitch.

by lynds :)))) March 4, 2018

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why you look bitch up on urban dictionary? aye man get a life bitchhhh


by teensarebasic December 30, 2020

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hammboner and his excessive whiney bitch ass behavior due to his passive nature and attitude

jeff, stop being a bitch.

by moilto May 12, 2011

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(1)Normally an insulting name to a female (preferably).

(2)Sometimes used more of a title than an insult.
(3) annoying female.
(4) female dog.

1- Megan Fox is such a bitch, she won't speak to me.
2- Wow, you finished that so fast bitch!
3- Selena's a bitch when she whines. Oh wait, she always is.
4- As compared to Tiffany, Banjo is the perfect bitch evar!

by TheVenezuelaDrummer March 10, 2010

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A guy in prison that the other guys in there like to fuck in the ass.

He made him his bitch.

by judge dredd7 January 15, 2013

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1.A girl's best friend
2. A female dog
3. A person you hate
4. Someone who is a punk, or easily frightened

1. Hey, what's up bitch!
2. That bitch over there has a fluffy tail.
3. Man I hate that bitch, she stole my boyfriend!
4. Look at that punk ass bitch.

by Kamiya January 14, 2008

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