twitter lingo for: "we got our asses kicked and are mad about it"
"The Wilds fandom cheated. They used bots, that's why they're winning."
You know I'm not a chat bot right? Is that what this is turning into? Cripple supreme and the lobster "prophet" are trying to convince people I'm not a real person for saying that that piece of shit isn't a real person. That's what it's starting to look like.
Hym "I'm just going to get ahead of this thing and say: No. I'm not some kind of chat bot. If someone has convinced you I'm a chat bot, you're a moron. Really. If I'm just a chat bot why has the chipmunk-looking had a fucking pouty ass attitude with me all week? It wasn't me saying it, it was a chat bot that randomly picked a name. Why is she mad? It's almost like she knows who I am and reads along every day. Or she's blaming a random co-worker for the things a chat bot said. Either way you're all still the idiots. Seriously. You're worse than Kendra. Just as willing as she was to sit there and live a lie except on a larger scale."
To be on or perform at an excellent level comparable to a bot.
"That mf just pulled off 3 snipes. Botted af"
botting is a skinny twiggy cunt with no friends and is gay as fuck, but has a hot sister
holy shit its a fuckin botting
The secret to summon a dumbass Masterchill
Random Person: bot commands
Masterchill: no bot commands here
bot commands useless piece of chat. Seriously, who uses that novadays? It's so stupid and it's doesn't even exist!
Only pussies using it for bot commands. We have cool #tabs and #general for that. Pffft.
Yato: bot commands
Literally everyone: NO SHUT UP WE WON'T!!1!
Just hanging around. Slouching, pottering.
Me and my fella were just botting about yesterday.