coopers are very negitive people and they are needy if they dont get what they want they throw a tantrum. cooper is very violent and if you know a cooper who is like this: RED FLAG. when it comes to cleaning cooper can never be trusted.
coopers ussally have small cocks and they idmit it too.
your welcome little bro
person 1: hey cooper!
cooper: fuck off.
person 2: jeez no need to be negitive
By far the most amazing man you'll ever meet has a great sense of humor and never fails to make anyone laugh.
He has beautiful curly red hair that always looks perfect. And the most stunning blue eyes that you can easily get lost in.
A great husband and father. Who wants to make his loved ones (Me :) ) happy.
He also has an amazing body... and the most amazing voice ever! Anyone around him loves listening to his voice because it is so calming and soothing to listen to.
His adorable face and adorable expressions make you want to stare at him endlessly.
By far the most amazing person around.
Bob: "Wow, who's he?"
Olivia: "oh, that's just Cooper! my husband. Amazing isn't he?"
Cooper is a very gay person. And a bad girl and not someone who you wanna be
Man that guy look weird what is her name.
Oh thats cooper
Cooper is a very gay person. And is not a person you want to be around
Man that guy looks like he is a cooper
cooper is a a stronge male name but when she is a female she is dominant. cooper may not be the brightest but she can be smart when she wants to be. on top of that, everyone wants her, but no one can have her. she’s everyone’s associate and has some friends here and there but that’s it.
man i wish i could be close with cooper so bad
Cooper is a Musician who loves to mess with his friends. He is a funny guy who doesn't get much work done. His friend is also sort of funny but has small eyes.