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Diego had a sick ass EG Hatch

Damn Diego that’s a sick EG

by McVeagh September 22, 2021


someone who's girlfriend is toxic but diego won't break up with her

diego your girlfriend is such an ass
break up with her diego jc

by mynamejefffunnymemelol September 23, 2020


A dumb bitch with a small dick who sucks at sex, has brown hair, and only brushes his teeth once a day.

Damn diego you live like this?
God you’re such a diego.

by Pinoofy November 16, 2019


The act of going home, beating your meat, and passing out

When I get home, I'm going to Diego.

by BigDaddyYoung March 8, 2024


Depressed, pulled to many girls so he decided to move on to boys. They/Them

Person 1: Ur such a diego

Person 2: wrd

by urmothacornball March 13, 2022


Gay for a guy named leyton

The couple Is diego and leyton

by Jkkyskid July 3, 2020


Hands down the stupidest person you'll ever meet he's very funny but he can be very annoying and obnoxious and very horny. He is always fat no matter what he tries to tell you. When he gets drunk he always falls down the stairs. My name is Diego and my life is so sick I eat shit. No matter what he will always try to hit on a girl that is way out of his league. Hands down one of the best people to be friends with.

Diego come fuck me in the ass oh wait nevermind

by Elizabeth added April 11, 2019