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A warrior female, fearless, independent, clever, dark-humored, soulfully beautiful, mysterious, and a diehard champion of the underdog.

Dusty can handle anything.

by bold_italics November 23, 2021


A guy who has the tastebuds of a toddler. He hates bananas and only eats nerds. Known to show up to work plastered, spewing nonsensical bullshit about why bananas suck

Oh god i saw dusty outside with some bananas, lock the door.

by sluggard November 24, 2021


older women typically over 70 you want to fuck.

guy1: damn there is alot of dustys I wanna fuck here!
guy2:dude were in a senior citizen home majority of these old ladies are older than 80.
guy1: yea that's why they're dustys

by king dirtbag April 27, 2018


When someone is unloyal unfaithful untrustworthy or does sneaky and treacherous isshhh thay DUSTY ASF.

She slept with your man and came over to your house like nothing happened....wata DUSTY BISSHH

by LADYPAC June 30, 2022


AAVE slang term: Calling a person dusty means that they look dirty/grimey. Or that they're dressed badly.

"Dude did you see her outfit today? She always looks so dusty!"

by samyapapaya July 7, 2021


Derogatory term to describe dark skinned women

These dark skinned dusties stay hatin on me. They jealous of my Beyoncé.

I don't date dusties only light skinned women.

by Sglow April 17, 2018



Cody is dusty.

by @Mua January 6, 2022