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Team Friend

The ultimate close partnership between best friends, signifying brothership and cooperation.

"Todd and I will totally beat you in in water volleyball! How about you and Scott versus team friend?"

by Jesse of LI August 18, 2007

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Team Pwnie

A group or team (or clan in on-line games) consisting of a number of people so powerful or leet that when they combine forces, world domination or better is sure to follow.

Dude did you see that clan completely pwn that other clan?
Yeah, no suprise there - They're Team Pwnie!

by E.olevan October 29, 2010

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

football team

gathering of large black men. see "nasty nate".

by Anonymous September 2, 2003

29πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


an abbreviation for the phrase "Super Wet Asain Terrorists"
This is a team of horny wet asain men that will come through your bedroom window and rape the shit out of you. They will also take pictures, and post it all over your facebook to humiliate you.
Call 1-888-ASAIN today to get the SWAT team to come to you, or your enemies.

Mary: I can't believe John broke up with me D:
Jessica: He should pay..
Mary: I'll call SWAT Team to fuck the shit out of his ass.

by FBGM08 October 17, 2010

17πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

team exile

A professional Counter-Strike 1.6 clan.

Team Exile pwns megazords...

by ThePwnerer December 13, 2006

10πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Team Mystic

Also known as trash team mystic is a terrible group of people, that also double as trash.

Mom i ran into team mystic today, they were trash.

by Krax420 July 13, 2016

59πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž

Drill Team

Those girls who manage to dress sluttier than the cheerleaders at football games. They think they are the shit because their rich daddy paid 2000 dollars for them to join the drill team . These girls usually are wannabe cheerleaders who don’t have the looks, skill, or talent to become a cheerleader and end up becoming a drill team member. Their attractiveness ranges... some are fugly, while there are some hotties on the drill team. A lot of these girls are thots and some are just rude bitches. Only like 10 percent of the drill team members are actually kind and decent human beings.

Carl: You know that girl sally on the drill team?
Mark: Yeah she’s a bitch she dated chad the quarterback, and she ended up cheating on him with tyrone. But chad hooked up with Kacey the hottest cheerleader at chaz’s Party.

by Chad Wellington the 3rd January 3, 2019

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