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3rd gender

The 3rd gender is a term invented by the uncommon group called the "feminists". They use it to describe a person who define themself as neither a boy, or a girl. But basically it's just a bunch of bullshit they invented to have another reason to call men pigs.

i sexually identify as the 3rd gender

by Thomas and Anders :3 May 5, 2017

Closet Gender

One who's gender identity is yet to be revealed. It's a secret forever.

You want to know my gender? To bad, i'm a closet gender

by analise burner April 30, 2019

no gender december

No gender december is celebrated to take away all of our gender and make us like Naboo from The Mighty Boosh. They take away our private parts for No Gender December.

No Gender December!

Oh no please I don’t want my gender taken away!!!

by Bobielover123 November 28, 2022

Caitlyn Gendered

When someone change in gender comes out of no where.

"Did you Mike goes by Michelle now?"
"Yeah! That came out of no where. Caitlyn Gendered everyone!"

by Someonealreadyhadmine April 24, 2021

Gender sane

Gender sane is a gender identity commonly assumed by a person whose gender is whatever you, a mentally sound second party, would reasonably expect it to be.

Hi, my name is John. I'm gender sane. My pronouns are apparent. They're the ones people named "John" use.

by unRealEyeable August 3, 2021


When you have loads of pronouns and are kind enough to share them with every single person you meet.

Mark (She, They, Them, When) is so sound. Always telling me what prounouns i should use. Their gender-rosity knows no bounds.

by Uber Dictionary Y2K June 2, 2023


The feeling someone gets when they can't define their gender anymore.

Did you here that Bill came down with the Genderitis

by Eddie Bauer Plumbing December 3, 2017