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Jon is a great person.He truly cares about you,he will never let you down and he will always try to make you feel happy when you pout.He will sometimes make fun of you but he will then try hes best to cheer you back up.Deep down in his heart he cares deeply and loves you unconditionally.Treasure him forever and dont take advantage of him because he will be hurt.Dont depend on him either.Be the best person you can to him and make sure not to affend him.He will love you no matter what,as friends or more.

jon-your so annoying
you-i know

jon-sorry not sorry,go frick urself man

by fire_fox553693 February 26, 2021


Gay faggot. Has first recorded case of Down syndrome. Usually characterized by its large gaping forehead and low vocabulary

Jon is gay

by Jon is shit March 20, 2018


A semen and maple stripe slurry added to Michigan pancakes.

Alice: whip up some Jon for my pancakes.
Bob: okay, gimme a minute

by LoveEveryWomanISee January 17, 2024


jon- an offensive label/slang that mocks oppressed members of society

you stupid jon, you prove that cis white men are the only group capable to rule society

by disabilityslang July 21, 2021


An uncouth person by Ghanaian slang. Used especially in pidgin and in kumasi.

This boy is a jon boy

by Kwlinsmann January 21, 2022


A weeb

Person 1: hey that guys a weeb
Person 2: yeah a total Jon

by Definitelyethan September 8, 2020


my little cutie patootie that i love to snuggle and finagle with.

keep being my little cutie patootie jon

by March 17, 2023